Mark Morris Dance Group, Malaysian Parkinson's Disease Association
and Federal Academy of Ballet present
A Dance for Parkinson's
Introductory Workshop
for dancers, dance teachers, students, therapists, and allied health professionals
Thursday 12 May - Saturday 14 May, 2016
Federal Academy of Ballet, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
We invite you to apply at the link below!
Foundation for Community Dance (UK), Photographer: Rachel Cherry
Training highlights
► Learn best practices and methods from a Dance for PD® master teacher.
► Hone your teaching skills.
► Deepen your knowledge with our specially-created modules and acclaimed interactive sessions.
► Participate in an actual Dance for Parkinson's class with members of the local Parkinson's community.
► Be part of Dance for PD's very first workshop in Asia, and the launch of Dancing with Parkinson's Malaysia
"Dance for PD® is a hands-down success. It’s one of the most important programs for Parkinson’s disease in the country."—Mary Ellen Thibodeau, RN
RI Chapter of the American Parkinson Disease Association
About Dance for PD®workshops and seminars
Since 2007, more than 1200 people from 30 states and 15 countries have participated in Dance for PD®(Parkinson's Disease) workshops and seminars, designed and produced by the Mark Morris Dance Group and Brooklyn Parkinson Group.
Our educational programs are designed to enrich, inform and inspire a diverse group of individuals who want to learn about the unique approach of this internationally acclaimed community arts & health program from its original creators.
This workshop
Our introductory workshop is specially designed to help dance teachers adapt your expertise to work effectively and comfortably with the Parkinson’s population under the guidelines and methodology of the Dance for PD® program. You'll cover special modules that focus on class structure, pedagogy and exercise design, and participate in a practicum class to develop class content and teaching techniques with founding teachers and other trainees, in addition to covering general modules about safety and working with Parkinson’s participants. Please click here for more information.
Although this workshop is specifically geared toward dance teachers, we welcome a diverse group of individuals who may be interested in the workshop for Educational & Professional Enrichment (EPE) In this workshop, you will attend as Active Auditors, participating in all group discussions and modules, while observing the teaching practicum. The EPE program is designed to provide a comprehensive and intimate look at core components of the Dance for PD® program so that a wide variety of individuals without dance training or dance teaching experience can learn about our methods and benefit from our resources.
Our introductory workshops are non-certifying. Attendance at one of our introductory workshops is a prerequisite to qualify for our Dance Teacher certification program. However, you will be eligible for Continuous Professional Learning Credits within your discipline, in Malaysia.
Time and location
The seminar will take place on 12, 13 and 14 May, 2016 at the Federal Academy of Ballet, Bangunan FAB 1-3, Jalan 14/22 46100 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.
Hourly schedule subject to change
Thursday, 12 May
10.00 Welcome, Introduction--Why Dance for PD?
11.30 Parkinson's Overview
12.30 Risk assessment/safety
13.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30 Balance and freezing workshop
15.30 Class structure and flow: anatomy of a class
17.00 Why Dance for PD film and review
Friday, 13 May
09.30 Core curriculum: designing exercises and movement material
12.30-13.30 Lunch
13.30-14.45 Dance for PD community class with members of the Malaysian Parkinson's Disease Association community
15.00-15.30 Community discussion
16.00-18.00 Teaching practicum Part I
Saturday, 14 May
9.00 Teaching practicum Part II
12.00 Wrap up/questions
1.00 Depart
RM 300
Tuition includes:
* all printed materials and sessions
* a one-year Dance for PD® program membership with special access to continuing education materials and tools (a RM 190 value), and access to our international teachers' listserv.
* free Dance for PD At Home instructional DVD
Lunch will be provided. Recommended hotels with easy access to the Federal Academy of Ballet include a budget hotel (Lisa De Inn ~RM 130) within walking distance and a five star hotel (The PJ Hilton ~RM500) about 1 km away. Other recommended accommodations include the Best Western Hotel~ RM200 which is also within walking distance of the Federal Academy of Ballet. Alternatively the Armada ~RM250 hotel is about 1km away.
No payment is required to apply. Please click below to complete our application. We will notify you upon acceptance into the workshop and will include final registration and payment information at that time.
Foundation for Community Dance (UK), Photographer: Rachel Cherry
Workshop Reviews
"Extremely well coordinated, very respectful and appropriate content for a broad range of learners!"
—2012 workshop attendee
"This workshop wascompletely satisfying, both on personal and professional levels. I thoroughly enjoyed each day's activities and the way in which [the trainer] conducted the discussions and experientials. His teaching ability is outstanding, along with his understanding of group process...I feel uplifted and inspired by all I witnessed..."
—2012 Trainee
"My staff reported to me that this was the only training they had ever received in movement/exercise other than cursory information during nursing assistant or nursing training. They were so excited to start using the tools immediately and have other staff to partner with for spontaneous play with each other and the residents."
—2012 workshop attendee and assisted living facility senior manager
"I learned more than I could have ever imagined and I love to dance more than I ever imagined. I have already utilized some of your ideas into my treatment approaches with my patients and they have worked GREAT!"—2011 participant and DPT
"A dynamic workshop and a fabulous life experience. I could not have been more pleased with time well spent.”—Dance for PD workshop trainee
"Having spent 25 years in the medical arena in management, I was thrilled to see the attention to detail and the follow through to completion in every aspect of both theory, music, and dance. It was obvious that the trainers' years of working with Parkinson's patients through dance has given them critical knowledge of the disease and the student/patient capabilities through dance."—Dance for PD workshop participant
"The workshop was beautifully presented, a truly generous forum for learning, sharing and becoming creatively inspired."—Brooklyn Workshop participant
Facilitator for this workshop
Erica Rose Jeffrey believes in the power of movement connected to positive social change. Originally from Montana (USA), she has worked as a performer, choreographer, educator and arts leader in the United States and internationally. Involved in multiple communities, Erica Rose has taught for the San Francisco Ballet program in public schools, Luna Dance Institute and directed Marin Dance Theatre’s Let’s All Dance! Outreach program. She was instrumental in launching the Parkinson’s Dance Project, Marin County’s first Dance for Parkinson’s program. The first dancer to be selected as Rotary World Peace Fellow, Erica Rose has completed a Masters in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Queensland, with a research focus on partnering conflict resolution with dance education, integrated arts and embodied facilitation. She is the Australian Dance for Parkinson’s Program Coordinator working in Partnership with Dance for PD®, and has presented workshops with Queensland Ballet in Brisbane, as well as programs in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and Canberra including the National Parkinson’s Conference and DANscienCE Festival at CSIRO. Erica Rose has been instrumental in bringing Dance for Parkinson’s to Australia.
About Dance for PD®
Dance for PD® offers dance classes for people with Parkinson’s disease in Brooklyn, New York and, through our network of partners and associates, in more than 100 other communities and 14 countries around the world. In Dance for PD® classes, participants are empowered to explore movement and music in ways that are refreshing, enjoyable, stimulating and creative. An on-going collaboration between the Mark Morris Dance Group and the Brooklyn Parkinson Group, the Dance for PD® program also provides teacher training and nurtures relationships among other organizations so that classes based on our model are widely available. The Dance for PD® method has been presented at the International Congress for Parkinson’s Disease and Related Disorders in Berlin (2005), the World Parkinson Congress in Washington, D.C. (2006) and at Neuroscience 2008 in Washington D.C. The program was recognized as a model program at the Society for the Arts in Healthcare’s annual conference (2010). The World Parkinson Congresses in Glasgow (2010) and Montreal (2013) included Dance for PD demonstration classes, and the program was presented two years in a row at the Parkinson's Unity Walk in Central Park. Features about the program have appeared on PBS NewsHour, NPR, CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and Reuters, and in The New York Times and USA Today, among others.